Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dear Lainey,

This is my promise to you:

I promise that I will always love you. I can also promise that I am sure we will fight, we will disagree and we will get angry with each other, but I promise that there is nothing you can do that will take away my love for you. You are perfect. You are the greatest gift that God could ever have given me and I will never take you for granted.



Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Lainey,

My sweet girl. You had quite the week. I took you to have your photos taken and they came out so cute! I can't wait to get them in. Here is one of them.

Last night, well, very early this morning, I put you in bed with me. You decided you wanted the entire thing.

 But every time I see your cute face, I can't resist. I am putty in your hands, my sweet! 

You are so funny, your new "thing" is licking. You seriously lick everything. I can't help but get a kick out of it! 

Mommy loves you, always, no matter what.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Lainey,

My sweet bug. You are napping and I'm watching you on the monitor, waiting for you to wake up so I can get out of the house and run a few errands.

You are sleeping so peacefully. Last night you finally gave mommy a little break and you slept from 8:45 until 6 a.m., and then again from 6:30 until 9:30! You have no idea how much I needed that little rest.

Every day I see and hear things, in life and on tv, and because of you, I have such a different perspective on life in general. Things that normally wouldn't particularly bother me now enrage me. Things that I thought would make me tense or upset, now seem to not matter.

Sometimes people in our lives will unintentionally hurt us. And sometimes they will say things that they should never say. But I promise you, my little Lainey bug, that I will never dump my problems on you. I will never make you see your daddy in a bad light and I will always want you to see the best in both of us. I can't promise that there will not be tough times that you will unfortunately be witness to. Some things are unavoidable. But I do promise that I will never unnecessarily make you aware of my problems that will do nothing but make you feel guilt or sadness.

I never in my life imagined I could be as happy as I am at this point in my life and I want to do everything in my power to protect that happiness so that you will grow up and have the same thing. I want you to be happy and confident, and I eventually want you to know and love our God that is responsible for all of our happiness. I want you to never question mine or daddy's motives and just to know that no matter what, we love you and you will always be important. Every decision we make will be with you in mind. You are our life. Nothing will change that, please always remember that.



Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Lainey,

You are growing so quickly. Yesterday I put you down for a nap on your belly (gasp!) and you woke up on your back! You are trying so hard to roll over and to sit up. Sometimes you forget that you are still so little.

You have also recently found your voice. You chat with mommy all day long. I love to hear you talk and sing. When I sing to you, you will sing along.

I remember how badly I wanted you and how the day I found out you were coming, I cried tears of joy and knew that my life would be forever changed...for the better. Life with you is better than I could have ever imagined. Every day I sit and stare at you in wonder. I can't believe how lucky I am that God chose me to be your mom.

I promise that I will spend each day trying to be the best mom I can be. Because you deserve the best. I am in complete awe of you.

Today was your first day in church. You were great, until you started screaming. But everyone was fine with it. They were just happy to see you there! As we sat there, I tried to think of words to show my thankfulness to God for you...I couldn't. Because there simply aren't words. Love, thank you, gratitude. They just aren't enough to express what I feel for you.

I love you, bug.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Lainey

Dear Lainey,

Today I made a decision to start a blog for you. A place where I could tell you about your life, your growth, your beauty and the silly things you say and do. I have been keeping a journal since I found out you were coming but this is something that can never be destroyed or lost. Something just for you, from me.

I hope to update you daily on your life but I promise that even if I don't, this is one blog I will keep up with.

I love you to pieces and I cannot wait to begin this journey of documenting your life. I am three months late, so I am a bit behind. So here's to looking ahead.

