Monday, March 5, 2012

Dear Lainey,

My sweet, sweet baby girl. Where is the time going? You are growing so quickly! I cannot believe that you are already 5 months old. 

I love watching you learn and grow and develop new skills. You new things include grabbing, reaching, screaming (not crying, I actually call it singing) and laughing. You are such an incredible baby.

Every night when we put you to bed you reach up and grab our faces. Sometimes it hurts, but it's always sweet. 

You are also tossing and turning like crazy! I am so nervous you are going to pull the curtains down behind your changing table.

I love to take you to the aquarium, and you love to watch the fish! It's such an incredible thing to watch you get so excited about it!

Every day I love you more. I don't understand how I ever lived without you.

